wood drying theory


Wood contains varying amounts of moisture. Moisture in […]

Wood contains varying amounts of moisture. Moisture in wood also varies with tree species, tree age, and the season of felling. In order to ensure the quality and service life of wood and wood products, practical measures must be selected to minimize the moisture in the wood as much as possible. If you want to reduce the moisture content of the wood itself, then you must increase the temperature of the wood itself, so that the moisture contained in the wood can evaporate from the inside to the outside, and in the air with a certain flow speed, the moisture can quickly escape from the wood, thereby achieve drying goals. In order to ensure the quality of wood, it is necessary to control the humidity of the drying medium, so that it can achieve a fast and high-quality drying effect of wood. Such a process is also called wood drying. Because the above method is to choose the form of convection heat transfer, a way of heating and drying from the outside of the wood itself, therefore, it is also called convection drying. In general, the theory of wood drying is a process in which water is discharged from the wood in the form of evaporation and vaporization.
