What is wood drying?


Wood contains a certain amount of water. The amount of […]

Wood contains a certain amount of water. The amount of moisture in the wood varies with tree species, age, and deforestation season. In order to ensure the quality and longevity of wood and wood products, appropriate measures must be taken to reduce the moisture (water content) in the wood to a certain extent. To reduce the moisture content of the wood, the temperature of the wood must be increased to allow the water in the wood to evaporate and move outward. In a certain flow velocity of the air, the moisture quickly leaves the wood to achieve the purpose of drying. In order to ensure the quality of the dried wood, it is also necessary to control the humidity of the drying medium (such as the currently used humid air) to obtain the effect of drying the wood quickly and with high quality. This process is called wood drying equipment.
Since the above method is a method of drying by heat from the outside of the wood by means of convection heat transfer, it is also called convection drying. In general, wood drying is the process by which water is discharged from the wood by evaporation or vaporization.