What is the effect of wood drying equipment?


Wood drying equipment is a special equipment for drying […]

Wood drying equipment is a special equipment for drying fresh wood containing a lot of moisture. It has the characteristics of heating and dehumidification, so the heating and humidity adjustment functions of the equipment are indispensable. Let me introduce these two types of equipment to you. Function and answer: Fresh wood contains a lot of water, which is not convenient for storage and is not conducive to making solid wood furniture. Therefore, wood drying equipment is used to remove excess moisture from the wood.
It not only has the function of removing moisture, but also adjusts the humidity of wood to achieve the desired humidity. It is an important step for the equipment to remove excess water. It provides sufficient heat energy for evaporating the water in the wood, so that the equipment can quickly and efficiently complete the requirements of removing water in the wood.
The important role of the equipment is indispensable, because the wood that is too dry is prone to deformation and cracking problems. Once such a problem occurs, the use value and value of wood will decline. Humidity control is also an indispensable and important function of the equipment. It sprays appropriate water vapor while drying to ensure that the moisture in the wood evaporates without being too dry, avoiding the cracking and deformation of the wood.
The heating and humidity control functions of wood drying equipment can be said to complement each other, ensuring that the moisture in the wood evaporates without being too dry, avoiding the occurrence of wood cracking and deformation, so the two are indispensable, and one is missing. can't be run.
